Tuesday 4 June 2013

U.S places $7million bounty on Boko Haram Leader Abubakar Shekau

The United States has officially declared the leader of the boko haram sect wanted! Yesterday a $7million bounty was place on his head. They have offered to pay this amount to anybody who has information that could lead to his arrest.

A $5million bounty was also placed on Yahya Abou Al-Hammam an alleged terrorist believed to be behind the 2010 murder of an elderly French hostage in Niger.
Also being sought are Malik Abou Abdelkarim, described as a senior AQIM fighter and Oumar Ould Hamaha, spokesman for Mali’s Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO). America says it will pay $3 million each to anyone who could help facilitate their arrests.

Hmmmm. I've passed the info, its my job. but if you volunteer the information, lets hope you'll live long enough to flex the cash....lol

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